Saturday, April 2, 2011

Global Warming is No Laughing Matter

Everyone has heard of the idea that global temperatures are increasing, however many believe this to be a myth. With the cold weather and harsh winter many in the United States have endured, you would think that global warming is indeed only a fabrication. People actually use the cold weather as a sign that Earth’s climate is indeed not warming. I know I fall victim to this very idea that global warming is not a true problem. Looking only at the United States, who would believe in global warming, when below freezing temperatures are so common in the winter. However, you must look at the bigger picture and take into consideration areas all over the world. For example, this year alone, Canada has had a significant decrease in the amount of snow that is typical for the area. Also, certain parts of the Arctic have had temperatures rising to as much as twenty degrees above normal.

Last year, in 2010, it was recorded as the hottest year since 1880, tying with 2005 as the warmest. Because of these warm temperatures, this year was also recorded as one of the wettest. The warming of Earth’s atmosphere causes an increase in evaporation, causing more water vapor to form which in turn increases the amount of precipitation. The warm surface area causes the air to warm, which causes it the rise because it is less dense, which as a result, cools as it rises eventually forming clouds. We are increasing the amount of greenhouse gasses which is altering the energy balance of the Earth, changing the climate system. According to climatologists, severe weather can also occur, causing extreme storms and floods or extreme droughts. Excessive snowfall can also be a result, which is the case with the United States.

Humans are the very cause of this problem. The increase in the amount of carbon dioxide entering Earth’s atmosphere from the use of machinery, amongst many other things, is a very big contributing factor to global warming. Carbon dioxide levels are growing at an alarming rate, and a change needs to be made. We must reduce our carbon dioxide emissions if we want to avoid potential disastrous weather.


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