Often times at a young age is when first encounter a white tiger and that is normally with our face in absolute awe of how amazing this creature is. We stand there along the rail that keeps us from a safe distance just wondering how such a creature even exists. It is a very beautiful animal and at that point in our life we have no real understanding what it took to get that animal to the zoo, or what occurred to even find such a fine specimen. These are naturally very rare animals and within the past 100 years there have only been 12 white tigers spotted in the wild of India. What we see as a beautiful animal and something to appreciate and marvel over some have a much different outlook. The locals often see this rare tiger as a bad omen or a beast of death, therefore some people even go so far to go out of there way in order to hunt these animals down. Were here in the states we might admire such an animal in India this animal is hunted down and killed.
In 1950 one of these wild white tigers was caught by a hunting party. They named this animal Mohan and from that day forth he would father the majority of white tigers that will be found around the world. The problem with this is that there was a excess of inbreeding and this lead to birth defects, cross eyed, spinal issues, and clubbed feet. They will continue breeding this animal until they come out with one white tiger that does not have a defect. Now this alone is something that should startle people making them wonder why they go to such extent to get one healthy tiger. It has become an economic reason that this is being done. If a zoo owner can get its hands on a white tiger people from near and far will come in order to see the miraculous animal. Close to 80% of these tigers that are inbreed will die of birth defects. The other 20% is not healthy either they have the defects that were mentioned earlier. It takes anywhere from 60 to 100 cubs to be born in order to get that perfectly beautiful white tiger cub that will bring in thousands of tourists. You then have to consider what they do with the other deformed tigers that they have no use for. They will do a number of things to these animals that don't meet their standards. They will possible kill, abandon, torture, or abuse them some are even sold to China for medical trade.Some people believe that these tigers are rare animals that we find in nature and bring them to the states and put them in zoos for us to admire. Unfortunately we are wrong in thinking such things. Endangered white tigers relate to our classroom because we talk everyday on how we effect the environment we live in and how we change things on a daily basis. It is sad that we would do such things to a wonderful animal just for our own gain. There are eight sub-species of the white tiger and three of them have already gone extinct. If we don't do anything soon this problem will only get worse, something needs to be done in order to save this beautiful animal. Sadly we need to save this animal from our own species and that is often times the most awful thing to realize.
Source: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/endangered-white-tiger.html
Sean Martin
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